Could Porn Be Good?
The claim is often made that sexual addiction is about a sexual desire that is left unfulfilled. In other words, sexual addiction relates back to sex. Recent observations have indicated that a number of causes can be possible. These range anywhere from biological, social, or psychological. From a Christian background, there is an important factor that plays into something like porn. Can porn be good? There are certain things about porn that elicit good feelings, at least for a time. Porn itself takes something good, the sexual, unitive act, and distorts it into something it was not intended for.
The goodness of the sexual act highlights a fundamental understanding of the person that is commonly lost in society today. Each of us, no matter what we have done or where we’ve been, was created good and has goodness still within us. People that wrestle with a pornography addiction commonly think of themselves as monsters; unlovable, isolated, and with a need to keep up an appearance of perfection or having it all together. This facade is an illustration of a need to be seen as good.
When these monstrous feelings come out, they become terrifying for people who lack the ability to process them. Porn becomes a coping mechanism to feel good. Instead of facing the fears and emotions in the moment, people flee from them and find distractions. Porn serves as a distraction that can not only get ones’ mind off the painful feelings but can help them feel better until it doesn’t. Reality comes crashing down upon them. Rather than doing the long, hard work of emotional processing, the short-term win leaves them in a deeper hole.
Where does that leave those struggling with a pornography addiction? First, it illustrates a search for goodness and connection with others. Pornography use likes to stay hidden in the dark, thus revealing its nature as the opposite of connection. Secondly, and most commonly, it shows that there may be an inability to, or a lack of knowledge about, processing emotions. Like I mentioned before, emotions can be scary but they don’t have to stay that way. If you’ve been hiding from your emotions or numbing through porn use, now might be the time to face them. You don’t need to do it alone! I’m here to help!